Thursday, September 23, 2010

"The World is Not Enought

This goes with chapter 3 of "Becoming a Woman of Simplicity",

How are you personally too connected to this world?  Probably just by trying to conform to the image of what the world says a wife is to look like.  I want what's "best" for my family and sometimes look at the worldly culture to provide for these needs instead of God.

When God provides what you NEED but you don't seem to have what Matthew Henry calls the 'dainties' of life .... those extra, non-essential things, do you feel like God has not provided enough for you?  YES!!!
but selfishly I sometime want more and forget the blessings I already have.

Let's talk about this concept of enough .... what is enough? What are necessities? Does God ever give more than enough? Explain.  Necessities are the basic things that we need to survive: food, clothes, shelter, etc.  God definitely gives more than we need.  He blesses me and instructs me to share with others.

According to the author, what is crucial to living profoundly and simply? I really like the quote in the book by A. W. Tozer; "We Christians mus simplify our lives or lose untold treasure on earth and in eternity."  If I don't simplify my life and redirect my focus on God and His agenda for my life, I'm go to miss out blessings and relationships.

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