Hey, I know it's been a while since I've posted. Christmas was good, Now we/re hunkering down into the heart of basket ball season. Soon we'll move into soft ball and baseball, Yes, I am the ultimate sports widow.
We're in the midst of remodeling our bathroom and make it more wheel chair accescible. It was suppose to take a week, 2 at the most, but we're starting on week 9. On of Barrett's brothers is doing the job. He's having some health problems and has gotten behind. We're trying to be understanding and supportive, but at the same time,its getting really old. I want my house back in order. I know he doesn't feel well, but we need to get this finished. I almost feel like he's taking advantage of us because we are family, but then I feel guilty because I know he doesn't feel well.but at some points he needs to be honest and if he can't finish he needs to let us find someone who can. I'm torn because I know he really needs the money. I want to do as Jesus would and react with love and compassion, However, it is really stressing Barrett out and is an inconveince to the whole family. Mr. Barrett is really trying to help, but he seams to adding to the problem. I so love the old man and need to really for patience in dealing with him. I want to be a shining example of God in these situations, but feel myself waning. I am so codependent; I hate for others to be upset or discontent. I obviously have problem with conflict (that's a post for another blog).